Sunday, May 5, 2013


Estate sale picking started early on Thursday morning this week.  It was an hour away and I brought my son with me, and I had to go to work right afterwards.  Which meant I didn't have my crazy mindset that I usually have at a sale.  I just enjoyed the ride and hoped to pick up a couple things.

My little man picked up this darling tin for me, and he enjoyed playing with it so much I could barely get a picture of it before he grabbed it back.  But it now found a place on my dresser to hold random stuff.

I also got this pretty purple coverlet.  It's purple, I love it, nuff said.
Bright and early Saturday, I started out waiting in line for two hours for a sale that promised tons of vintage clothing.  There wasn't tons, and it was all from the 70's.  Not happy about that.  I did pick up one maxi dress that I saw in the pictures and hoped it was what I thought it was.

A 70's prairie Gunne Sax dress by Jessica McClintock.  It should bring in some good money for me.

I also picked up some vintage baby clothing.  I got a large stack that included these two adorable embroidered bibs, and two chenille blankets that are soaking in oxy clean right now.
Sorry for the bad lighting.  We are watching Finding Nemo.
Valentino says "Hi, take a picture of my Leappad"

Valentino is a Letter Guru.

I picked up this antique red embroidered quilt.  I also found what will probably be my favorite find for May.  I know it is only the first weekend of sales for May but I'm not sure what will beat it.  Regardless, wait for a post about light bulbs.  The second sale a got a couple things but nothing blog worthy.  I then stopped at a yard sale, which didn't have much, except for an amazing Henry Margu Hat.  I didn't get a picture of it so close your eyes and image a large brimmed bright yellow straw hat with velvet millinery berries.  Don't you just love it.  Perfect hat to watch the derby in.  Then I painted all day, my dinning room is looking so much more like my style now.  I shall take pictures soon.  Need to get the drapes up and pictures back on the wall. 
I would have to say it was a pretty good weekend.  What did you find this weekend?


  1. That redwork quilt is amazing! I get back to see my parents in Western PA a few times a year and always enjoy the antiquing there, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you find! (They're in Mercer County, in Sharon.) Barbara at Oodles and oodles

    1. Oh my goodness. I grew up in Sharon! My whole family lives there so I'm always there visiting. What a small world. Next time you are in the area you should check out the antique store in the Shenango Valley Mall. It's pretty good, lots of stuff and decent prices. I'm trying to get a spot there but they are all full right now. And thank you for reading my blog!
